THE CUBE - Creative Platform: Logo, Slaps and Banner designs
Mia wanted to use the detail from one of her cubes as the base for the design
Mia wanted to use the detail from one of her cubes as the base for the design
THE CARSEVIEW CREW - Illustration & Book
JUKA AESTHETICS - Cosmetic business logo/branding
TROY-ANN'S: Caribbean Kitchen, Patisserie and Occasion Cakes Rebranding
Troy-Ann specifically requested a conch shell, palm tree and doctor bird in her logo
Troy-Ann specifically requested a conch shell, palm tree and doctor bird in her logo
CALIDO LOGS & STOVES: Point of Sale design
DE'RIVE (French: to Drift) -  Design Installation at Forth Valley College
A visual representation of the routes and memories of four different people who moved through the same space on one specific morning. De'Rive is a psychological representation of the relationship each person has with their surroundings and how objects, smells and sounds have impacted their journey.
GO FORTH / STIRLING BID: Reindeer Trail; Character, Trail Brochure, Map and Banner design
REED MEDICAL: Advertisement Design
SKIN ESSENCE: Logo design
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